Pupil Voice at Edward Bryant School
At Edward Bryant School we make sure that the children's voices are heard and they are involved in the day to day running of the school. This is achieved through Pupil Parliament and Peer Mediation programmes.
Pupil Parliament
The Edward Bryant Pupil Parliament is a group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve our school. Each year, every class will elect a representative to be a member of the Pupil Parliament.
The object of our Pupil Parliament is to help the children to:
- develop their understanding of British values and democracy;
feel that their school responds to their needs and views;
enjoy and feel empowered by their education;
have the opportunity to let adults know their feelings and opinions about things that affect them;
have a say about decisions, and to play an active role in making their school a better place;
develop life skills through participation.
Class meetings are held regularly. Meeting agendas include feedback from recent Pupil Parliament meetings, and a chance for the children to suggest ideas that they feel could improve the school.