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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Edward Bryant

2020 2021 GALLERY



Our Edward Bryant School Curriculum

As Edward Bryant School is situated in a unique location, perched between the South Coast and the South Downs, we have tailored our curriculum using our environment to enhance our children's learning experience. We have high aspirations for all of our children and celebrate their cultural diversities.  Currently, we have children from over 15 different countries on our role and our curriculum enables individuals to succeed both academically as well as engaging in wider society.

As a result of the large number of languages spoken within the school, we have designed our curriculum to enable the pupils to develop their spoken language and extend their vocabulary.  This greatly benefits all of our children as they are exposed to higher order vocabulary. 

As a starting point when designing our curriculum, we selected high quality texts to study, ensuring that the children will hear a wide breadth of books in their time with us.  We instil in all children a love of reading by using Modern Texts to Historical Classics and include authors such as Shakespeare and Dickens.  We make sure that children and teachers have time to read for pleasure.

We also encourage reading by  welcoming authors to our school to share their stories with the children.  Among others, they have recently included Frank Cottrell-Boyce, Dave Shelton, Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.

In the Early Years the children are encouraged to experiment with early mark making every day.  This quickly progresses on to all children writing daily sentences.  As they progress through the school, the children are taught to use Talk for Writing techniques which enables them to rehearse spoken language before recording their creative ideas on paper.

All subjects follow a planned progression through the primary school and take into consideration the children's previous experiences, as well as what they will be learning next.  The following photos show some of our year groups learning journeys.

We enhance our curriculum by giving the children extra opportunities that they may not have chance to experience outside of school.  As well as visits to local environmental areas of interest we have also run trips to Chichester Festival Theatre, Weald and Downland Open Air Museum and Pallant House Art Gallery.  On top of this we also  have close links with Chichester University.  We organise two residential trips, one in Year 4 and one in Year 6.  To see what sort of fun the Year 6 children get up to when they travel down to Devon, click here.

You can view our whole school curriculum overview for Year 1 to 6  here.

View Our Early Years Curriculum Here

EYFS Curriculum Statement

Reception Curriculum Overview Autumn 1

Reception Curriculum Overview Autumn 2

Reception Curriculum Overview Spring 1

Reception Curriculum Overview Spring 2

Reception Curriculum Overview Summer 1

Reception Curriculum Overview Summer 2


Edward Bryant School Art Curriculum Statement 


Art at Edward Bryant School has been designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. It aims to provide the pupils with opportunities to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art. 

Children's skills are developed through teaching them procedures that get more advanced with time. During their time at Edward Bryant school, in Art, children will learn and progress the following areas: 

  • Sketching
  • Painting
  • Printing
  • Collage/Textile
  • 3D work

In order to develop pupils’ critical eye and appreciation of Art, pupils discover and learn about great artist in history and develop their understanding of the historical and cultural development of their Art forms. Children study works of Art in every year group and will be aware of many artists from a range of cultural backgrounds.  


We base aspects of our Art work on our immediate environment focussing on objects in the school grounds and in Hotham Park. Local trips include visiting the beach, Pallant House Art Gallery in Chichester and the River Arun. 


Art lessons are taught termly in 6-week sequences in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and throughout the year in EYFS. 

We have a spiral curriculum whereby the skills are not simply repeated, they are deepened with each successive encounter and build on the previous one. This is shown in the progression of skills document. 

Children have their own sketchbook to document their creative journey and are encouraged to record their thoughts. 

Art club is offered to children within the school after school.  

Skills within each unit of each lesson will be modelled by the teacher and children will create their own representations. Children’s expertise is developed through the teaching of the techniques that build in sophistication.  

Each year, there are two Art units that are designed to develop the skills of drawing, painting, printing, textiles and sculpture. These start from the study of a real object, to enable children to develop the skill of looking critically and closely at an object, before capturing it through observational drawing. 

Teachers follow the progression plan so as to offer each child support at the correct level for them. 

Updated July 22

To view our Art curriculum click here.


Edward Bryant School Computing Curriculum Statement 


The aim of our Computing Curriculum is to ensure that the children at Edward Bryant School are given the opportunity to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. In an ever-advancing technological environment our children live in, we understand it is our responsibility to provide a curriculum that supports the children to be confident and safe users of technology.

At Edward Bryant School, children:

  • Are taught how to be responsible and safe users of technology. They are taught to recognise and report unsafe practices and to understand how to keep private information safe online.
  • Learn how computer software and hardware work together and how they can be networked.
  • Become digitally literate learning how to develop their ideas using a range of technologies.
  • Use computational thinking and creativity to solve problems.


Computing lessons are taught weekly in both KS1 and KS2. The children use a variety of different devices including iPads, Chrome Books and PC’s to allow them to become familiar with the different platforms.

Across the school, year groups model responsible use of technology in Computing lessons, assemblies and PSHE lessons. In addition to this regular communication with parents allows us to share the latest developments and news surrounding Computing and Social Media.

Throughout the school we use the ‘Teach Computing Curriculum’ in conjunction with other computing resources e.g. programmable floor robot and coding programmes such as Scratch. The ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum offers a clear and concise progression across the Key Stages and year groups.

In Key Stage 1 and 2 the pupils will be taught:

  • Computer systems and networks
  • Creating media
  • Programming
  • Data and information
  • How to use technology safely

These units also teach the children aspects of online safety and digital citizenship.

Although using computers and technology does not feature in the EYFS curriculum, at EBS we ensure our children have the opportunity to explore some IT equipment and learn the pre-skills for successful IT learning later in their school journey.

 Pre-skill activities include fine motor development to ensure control when it comes to using a mouse and keyboard, sequencing and following instructions and rules to aid with programming, using symbols and icons to represent the things we want, and covering topics such as healthy bodies (screen time) and keeping safe (cyber safety).

Opportunities to explore IT equipment include using classroom computers, iPads, QR codes for stories, Bee-Bots and Code & Go Mouse resources, using the smart board for music programs, maths games, and artwork, and using the camera on an iPad to take pictures.

In order to ensure coverage of the above we also use other software packages,  such as Stop Motion and Scratch.  These platforms allow access in school and at home giving the children first-hand experience of using different technologies in different environments, and the ability to extend their learning in their own time.


At Edward Bryant School we want our children to enjoy and value the Computing curriculum we deliver. We continuously encourage regular discussions between children and their teachers so everyone understands the ‘why’, and not just the’ how’.  Progress in Computing is demonstrated through regular lesson observations and assessment.  Assessments are made from pupil conferences, low stake retrieval quizzes, scrutinising the children’s work, and analysing the children performance against our Computing progression of skills.

By doing this, we believe the children will understand and appreciate the value of Computing and can continue to build on this in the next stage of their education and beyond.

Updated September 24

Design Technology

Edward Bryant School Design and Technology Curriculum Statement 


At EBS, we believe Design and Technology being taught at a high level should inspire and encourage pupils to be curious and creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. We aim to combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues. The aim is for children to become discerning and informed consumers and potential innovators. 

At EBS, pupils will:   

  • Develop deep creative, technical and imaginative thinking in children and to develop confidence and courage to participate successfully in an 

      increasingly technological world. 

  • Apply a growing body of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
  • Learn to select appropriate tools and techniques when making a product, whilst following safe procedures.
  • Develop an understanding of technological processes and products, their manufacture and their contribution to our society and the world.
  • Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products, and the work of others in an environment of respect.
  • Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and to learn how to cook.
  • Understand how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world.
  • Foster enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making things.


  • Design and Technology is taught once a term in Key Stage 1 and 2. 
  • Children follow the 6 principles of Design and Technology: User, Purpose, Functionality, Design Decisions, Innovation, Authenticity.
  • The use of knowledge organisers ensures skills are developed as children progress through the school.
  • We use a skills-based approach to teaching and Design Technology learning using objectives taken from the National Curriculum. We teach DT skills discretely, making relevant cross-curricular links, and ensure all children access all areas of the Design Technology Curriculum.
  • Children design and make quality products using a range of tools, materials, and components, and connections with their learning across the curriculum.
  • Children will reflect on and evaluate techniques using subject-specific vocabulary.
  • Effective CPD and standardisation opportunities are available to staff to ensure high levels of confidence and knowledge are maintained.
  • Staff can access a wide range of resources and equipment.


Children are encouraged to construct and create by purposefully selecting tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using. The children learn through first-hand experiences which develops an awareness and understanding of the possibilities and limitations of different materials. Teachers encourage children to explore, observe, solve problems, think critically, make decisions and talk about why they have made their decisions as they design and create. Children’s natural creativity is fostered and opportunities for investigation, designing and making are offered within our provision, which enables children to learn a great deal about their world. 

To view our Design Technology curriculum click here.

 Updated July 22



Edward Bryant School Geography Curriculum Statement 


At Edward Bryant School we develop children’s core knowledge of Geography and inspire a curiosity to discover the World and its people. At the heart of our Geography curriculum is the children’s sense of place and the core skills such as compass work, map reading, the use of electronic navigation tools and data handling. 

Throughout the Geography Curriculum at Edward Bryant, children learn about some of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. They will deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes and how this affects landscapes and environments. Many contemporary challenges – climate change, food security, energy choices – cannot be fully understood without a geographical perspective. 

We aim for children to live their lives as knowledgeable and responsible citizens, aware of their own local communicates in a global setting. To this end we ensure that Geography enables pupils to recognise their contribution to, and responsibilities for, their locality, their country and the wider global community. 

Children explore human and physical geography to deepen their understanding of where they live, how and why places have developed and how it compares to other places in the world. To support this, we aim to maximise the opportunity for fieldwork to enhance learning. In addition to making links to our key texts, we take full advantage of being on the south coast, our close proximity to the harbour at Littlehampton and the River Arun and the South Downs National Park, as well as using our school grounds and the local park to enhance the children’s geographical learning. Through this they will be exposed to rich and subject specific vocabulary. 

Pupils are taught to communicate and decipher information by using maps, images of people and place and numerical data. They also develop important geographical skills such as being able to use a compass and grid references to describe a location. Our pupils have access to a diverse Geography curriculum that allows continuous development of key geographical knowledge throughout their time at our school.  

Whilst the importance of geographical knowledge is recognised, we aim to enable children to become lifelong geographers who have the skills and attitudes to continue to appreciate the world around them. Our school community is made up of children from a wide range of backgrounds and this is reflected and celebrated in the learning we do.  


  • In the reception classes, Geography is a key theme each term with many of the key texts having a Geographical theme.
  • The children take part in field trips and theme days to develop their understanding of the World and their locality.
  • In Key Stage 1 and 2 at least 3 units of Geography are taught each year and often geography links to other subjects.
  • Children have access to resources such as maps, atlases, globes and compasses as well as technology to help them develop their Geographical knowledge.
  • Every year group has at least one fieldtrip. 

To view our Geography curriculum click here.

Updated July 22


Edward Bryant School History Curriculum Statement 


Studying History gives pupils the opportunity to develop an understanding of why the world and its people are the way they are today.  Children are encouraged to ask questions as they explore the diversity of human experience, past lives and societies.  

At EBS History is taught through investigation and enquiry. Children develop an understanding of how History has had an impact on their lives today both locally, nationally and internationally. Whilst it is important for children to have facts, they are encouraged to be independent and critical thinkers which in turn fosters an understanding of ‘why’ as well as ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’. We believe that History should be an interactive subject which strives to ignite a child’s natural curiosity. As well as making links to our key texts each unit includes opportunities for children to investigate, handle artefacts, examine pictorial evidence, watch historical footage, take part in role play activities, visit relevant sites and museums and where appropriate, experience oral history, engaging with historical characters and ways of life. 


  • We teach a progressive history curriculum which provides a rich variety of topics that cover The Stone Age to World War II. 
  • Our history topics are brought to life through the use of trips, visitors and artefacts. 
  • History is taught as a half-termly topic, focussing on the knowledge and skills stated in our knowledge organisers (derived from the National Curriculum).
  • Each history topic is taught alongside our key texts, in literacy, and this allows us to maximise any potential cross-curricular opportunities. 
  • Each topic has an overarching question which is referred to at the end of the lesson to see how different events and actions build a deeper understanding of a historical period. Pupils will explore this question using a variety of investigative skills, engaging and becoming more familiar with historical skills such as analysing and debating the reliability of sources, making comparisons between historical periods, devising historically valid questions, drawing conclusions from sources and making links between events. 
  • Pupils will be exposed to rich and subject specific vocabulary.
  • Key knowledge is frequently revisited within lessons, to give our children the best opportunity to embed it in their long-term memory. 


Updated July 22

To view our History curriculum, click here.


 Edward Bryant School Mathematics Curriculum Statement



At Edward Bryant school the Maths curriculum has been designed to ensure fidelity to the Inspire Maths Curriculum, providing pupils with a high quality Maths education.  Our Maths Curriculum builds firm foundations and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts through a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, emphasising mastery to help children become confident, resilient and independent mathematicians. Learning in the early stages of a new concept in Maths is achieved through concrete representation. Then, when they are ready children can move on to pictorial representations – such as the bar model – which in turn provides them with a bridge to the abstract stage. At this point the children will have flexible, independent understanding of the abstract, symbolic language of maths.

At Edward Bryant pupils will:

  • Learn Maths through a spiral progression building and embedding knowledge over time, enabling all children to become confident mathematicians.
  • Use mathematical language to describe, discuss, explore, examine, explain and justify.
  • Have continuous, active reinforcement of concepts to help assimilate and accommodate their learning- followed by extension, challenging children, to develop and practise the thinking skills that will enable them to become confident, critically aware and independent learners.


Our youngest children will begin their mathematical development receiving excellent mathematical teaching which supports the development of early number sense, giving them the foundational skills needed to confidently reason and solve mathematical problems.

Our intent is for every child to leave our care as able and independent mathematicians, with the confidence and skills required to calculate fluently, reason confidently and solve problems efficiently. They will be thoroughly prepared in all aspects of mathematics and fully equipped for the next step in their educational journey. 


  • Maths lessons are taught daily in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
  • In EYFS we follow the ‘Maths No problem’ curriculum with an emphasis on studying key skills of number, calculation and shape so that pupils develop deep understanding and the acquisition of mathematical language. Pupils learn through play and guided activities using concrete manipulatives which are then rehearsed and applied to their own learning during exploration.
  • All lessons from Year 1 upwards will come from Inspire, any pre-teaching required will come from past units to identify previous steps in learning. Teacher Guides will be used to plan lessons.
  • Concrete resources will always be available and out on the tables. Teachers will use resources to model and explain the mathematical concepts being taught.
  • Lessons will be based on the ‘Me to you’ approach. This will guide and scaffold the children appropriately through their learning to ensure understanding.
  • There will be daily intervention groups taught by the teacher within the Inspire lesson. This is a flexible group with children moving in and out for support.


At Edward Bryant School, all pupils make excellent progress in maths. This starts with a firm foundation in EYFS, with 61% of pupils reaching GLD and 67% reaching GLD in Number and Numerical Pattern.

Our end of KS1 assessments for 2022 show that the percentage of pupils achieving expected outcomes in mathematics is 70%.

The vast majority of our older pupils are equipped with the maths skills they need to succeed at secondary school when they leave us. This is reflected in our end of KS2 assessments for 2022, with 85% of pupils meeting expected outcomes in maths and 20% working at greater depth.

Through evaluation of work in children’s books and pupil conferencing at Edward Bryant School, it is clear to see the high quality of mathematics throughout the school. Children are able to confidently talk about their work in maths lessons and can apply age-appropriate skills and knowledge in their work. They are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes, showing both perseverance and resilience in mathematical learning.

To find out more please watch the PowerPoint Presentation below:

Inspire Maths Workshop


Edward Bryant School Music Curriculum Statement


“Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world.”

                                                                  The Model Music Curriculum, 2021

At Edward Bryant School, we believe that music is a universal language that reflects different cultures and brings communities together. Through our Music curriculum, we hope that our pupils will be inspired to develop a love of music through which they can express themselves creatively. We have designed our curriculum to give every child the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to become musically literate through four core elements: singing, listening, composing and performing. We also acknowledge that Music is a highly inclusive, non-discriminatory subject which children with SEND can access alongside their peers. Overall, we have structured our curriculum upon the belief that a high-quality music education celebrates the sheer joy of music making and recognises how exposure to music can enrich individual pupil’s lives and strengthen the shared values of the school community.  


Our Music curriculum follows the Model Music Curriculum (2021). Pupils are supported in their musical progression throughout the key stages and will leave the school with a high degree of musical literacy. By broadening our previous curriculum, we have upskilled our teaching staff and have increased the visibility of Music across the school. Music is currently taught for at least 30 minutes per week for three half terms of the school year.

Planning is structured around four core elements: singing, listening, composing and performing.

  • Singing: Children are able to sing in harmony by the end of Year 6. This is achieved through regular opportunities to sing a range of appropriate, enjoyable songs. This is supported by the discrete teaching of singing skills such as: warm-ups, breathing techniques and the effect of posture. 
  • Listening: Music is crucial cultural capital. Therefore, children are given opportunities to listen to and appraise historical and modern music from a broad range of musical genres and a range of cultures/traditions. Each year group explores songs, artists and styles which are appropriate for their age group and current learning. 
  • Composing: Children develop the craft of making melodies and short pieces. This is also supported by the discrete teaching of key musical vocabulary and skills such as reading notation which are built upon as pupils progress through their school years. 
  • Performing: Children have ample opportunity to share their singing and compositions with others. This enables them to develop stagecraft and become increasingly confident in front of an audience. Constructive peer feedback is regularly encouraged as a means of developing pupils’ listening skills and musical vocabulary.


Additionally, children are exposed to songs or instrumentals during our weekly assemblies that are chosen to match a theme or topic. Children are also presented with the opportunity to further their musical interests through year group performances and after school clubs such as Singing Club, Musical Theatre Club and Choir. As a school we also like to get involved in The Big Sing, a regional gathering to celebrate singing and music in schools.

To ensure that we stay up to date with new developments, we have subscribed to several music communities including the ISM (Incorporated Society of Musicians) and have enrolled on online courses and webinars through West Sussex Music. Designated staff meetings take place to ensure that staff are up to date with new developments and to offer support with teaching and learning.



Teaching music at Edward Bryant Primary School ensures that all children:

  • Will be able to speak confidently about their musical learning, skills and knowledge as well as applying this to their learning in the future.
  • Will be engaged and enthusiastic learners who have a good appreciation for different genres of music. They will be able to recall key facts about significant musicians and understand how music is influenced by the wider cultural, social, and historical contexts in which it is developed.
  • Will be actively involved when playing instruments. This will be demonstrated by photographic and video evidence in our E-portfolio.
  • Are given opportunities to perform in front of others both as individuals and various groups. This builds on their performance skills and also helps to develop their confidence and understanding as musicians.

Alongside the creative process, children are developing soft skills – organisation, confidence, teamwork – which make the impact of the subject much more vital for their future development and growth.


Music Development Plan

Updated July 2024 


  Edward Bryant School PSHE Curriculum Statement


At Edward Bryant School, we are committed to promoting all our pupils’ personal, social, health and their emotional well-being. It is important that our children feel secure and happy to take on challenges in life and learning. Children will learn to celebrate diversity, take pride in our differences and uphold each child’s rights. High importance is placed on our children’s well-being and individual development of self-efficacy.

At Edward Bryant, Pupils will:

  • Learn to confidently share thoughts and feelings surrounding a range of issues
  • Learn to listen and value the perspectives of peers and experts
  • Develop an open-minded attitude towards different life experiences, choices and opinions
  • Become emotionally literate within themselves and towards others.



At Edward Bryant School, we follow the Jigsaw scheme of work which is updated regularly to meet all the requirements of the National Curriculum including the RSE framework. We teach PSHE as a discrete subject as well as ensuring it is embedded across our curriculum. Through high quality teaching, pupils will explore six key themes across the year. These themes will be taught by each year group in the same half term meaning that children throughout the school are united at each point of development. The themes we cover are:

  •       Being Me in My World
  •       Celebrating Difference
  •       Dreams and Goals
  •       Healthy Me
  •       Relationships
  •       Changing Me

PSHE lessons are taught weekly, as whole class lessons, from the Early years Foundation Stage through to Year 6. We enhance our PSHE and relationships curriculum through:

  •  “Welly Wednesdays” with our Woodland Learning Lead; a child-led outdoors experience in which Year R children learn to cooperate with others, take risks and explore the wonderful natural world around them.
  • Working With Others (WWO) activities throughout the year that encourage trust building, problem solving and cooperation.
  • Celebration assemblies.
Welly Wednesdays

Supplementary Jigsaw lessons that respond to the current needs of our pupils.

Updated January 2024 

Physical Education

Edward Bryant School Physical Education Statement 


At Edward Bryant School, we have made the PE curriculum as varied as possible so that all children experience a range of sports and physical skills. The PE curriculum has been carefully planned specifically to each year group so that, as the children move through the school, their skills are extended and developed. Through this, pupils will also be exposed to rich and subject specific vocabulary. Incorporated with this, we aim to educate the children on the physical and mental benefits of a healthy, well-balanced and active lifestyle. Through the sports they encounter, the children will become equipped with the skills to work both independently and as a team, built on fairness and respect.   


We use Get Set 4 PE which details our progressive coverage. We ensure a progression that ranges firstly from Fundamentals and Introduction to PE units for EYFS and KS1, alongside dance, gymnastics, ball skills, net/wall games, team building, yoga, target games, athletics, fitness, striking/fielding and sending/receiving. This is built upon in KS2 with more specific sports being taught such as tag rugby, hockey, dodgeball, dance, tennis, fitness, athletics, rounders, gymnastics, football, swimming, cricket, basketball and badminton. 

Every half term the focus of PE is different, allowing children to explore a range of sport, some of which is competitive, and other physically demanding activities. 

Throughout the PE curriculum at Edward Bryant, children will learn and develop important physical skills, such as hand-eye coordination, body movement, flexibility and control, handling and controlling different sporting equipment. The importance of team work, sportsmanship and fair play is constantly reinforced and valued throughout the school.  We link our teaching into our local area sports competitions (West Sussex West School Sports Partnership). Throughout the year, Edward Bryant takes part in competitions and sports matches that take place off site. These experiences enhance the importance of team work, good sportsmanship, fair play and enjoyment of sport. As well as these inter-school competitions, we take part in intra-school competitions such as our annual Sports Days and ‘chocco-tournaments’ for netball and football at Easter. Further events that we attend include DanceHouse and Keysteps Gymnastics.  

Via our link with the West Sussex West School Sports Partnership, we provide children with the opportunity to become ‘Bronze Ambassadors’ and ‘Future Flyers’. Bronze Ambassadors are positive role models within the school and are taught how to influence and inspire young children, develop and improve their communication skills with children and adults and lead and manage their peers by showing initiative and taking responsibility. These children are passionate about PE and sport in school. Future Flyers are selected as strong all-round sports pupils who display an advanced skill level and understanding across a variety of activity areas. They have a passion for sport and show dedication and motivation.  The programme is designed to expand their awareness of sports, improve their fitness and agility and increase their knowledge in essentials such as teamwork and leadership. 

We hold the Gold Games aware.  The organisation aims to keep competitive sports at the heart of the school; providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.

Edward Bryant are passionate about providing a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, many of which are sports based. Over the year we provide clubs including: football, netball, gymnastics, fitness, dance, karate, basketball, tag rugby, film club, Lego, board games, gardening, art and crafts, colouring, cooking, rounders, tennis, homework, choir and Spanish. 

Year 4 and 5 go swimming throughout the academic year. They are taught at The Arun Leisure Centre swimming pool and the lessons are differentiated to suit all levels and the children’s individual needs. Edward Bryant also take part in the annual local swimming gala. 

Year 6 annually attend a residential in Devon where they are provided with opportunities to take part in adventurous outdoor education activities including kayaking, team building, canoeing, coasteering, abseiling, raft building and river scramble. 

Both EYFS and Year 6 carry out Bikeability during the year. For EYFS this is taught using balance bikes where they have lots of fun, gain confidence and develop their balance and coordination skills. For Year 6, it is a cycle training programme that teaches children practical skills and gives them the understanding they need to ride their bikes on the road.  

To view our PE overview click here.

Updated July 2022


Edward Bryant School Reading Statement 


Reading is an essential skill that underpins all other learning across the curriculum. Research shows that children who enjoy reading achieve more success throughout school. Being a successful reader in school will lead not only to success in other subjects; the children will be set up as readers for life, with all the benefits that this brings. For this reason, we teach all children to love books.  

At Edward Bryant School all children will: 

  • Decode words using a synthetic phonics approach
  • Become fluent readers
  • Be able to comprehend what they read
  • Have access to high quality texts


  • In Reception children are taught phase 2 and 3 phonic sounds through the Little Wandle programme.   
  • Children learn how to ‘read’ the sounds in words and how those sounds can be written down. This is essential for reading, but it also helps children learn to spell well. Children are regularly assessed and their progress monitored. 
  • Year 1 continue to use Little Wandle to consolidate phases 2,3,4 and teach phase 5. 
  • Daily whole class reading lessons begin every English lesson with the class teacher reading a book to the class. 
  • The daily reading lesson will introduce the children to new vocabulary from the book and involve discussion to aid comprehension. 
  • The Edward Bryant Bookcase ensures each year group are assigned high quality texts which link, where appropriate, with the wider curriculum learning. 
  • Every child in every class is heard to read by an adult 1:1 at least once a week.
  • In Key Stage 1 all children have a reading book which matches their phonic phase.  
  • In Key Stage 1 and EYFS reading star badges are used to promote and encourage reading at home. 
  • In Key Stage 2, children use Accelerated Reader which is a programme that supports the children in their choice of reading book. It also quizzes them on their comprehension of the book. 
  • Accelerated Reader is also used to monitor and reward children for their reading with acknowledgements, certificates, badges and prizes in celebration assemblies.  
  • In all classrooms book corners provide an inviting, well-stocked and well-organised space for children to choose books with increasing independence. 
  • A love of reading is promoted by welcoming authors and illustrators to our school to share their stories with the children.  Among others, they have included Frank Cottrell-Boyce, Dave Shelton, Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet, Margaret Bateson-Hill, Sophy Henn and Steven Lenton.
  • Across the school, many events are held to foster a love of reading including bedtime stories in Reception/Year 1, book fairs held regularly, yearly sponsored readathons, book awards hosted by the School Library Service.  
  • Books are used as prizes through our book vending machine to reward pupils who exhibit excellent behaviour 

 Updated July 2022


 Edward Bryant School Curriculum Religious Education statement


Religious Education (RE) is an important part of a child’s education as it enables them to develop their beliefs and values as well as their sense of identity and belonging. It makes a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils, whether or not they are from a religious tradition, and has an important role to play in developing the British values of mutual respect and tolerance. 

At Edward Bryant, our children gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews; these include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism, as well as considering the beliefs of those that are not religious.  This knowledge enables them to develop into informed, responsible and compassionate members of our diverse society. The aim of our RE curriculum is to put forth challenging questions about the meaning of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. It develops children’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religions and worldviews and provides opportunities for reflection and spiritual development. It enables our children to recognise both similarities and differences within and between religions and to develop respect for others whose faith and beliefs may be different from their own. This is done through promoting civilised debate and in-depth discussions. Ofsted (2021) states that, ‘RE is vital in preparing pupils to engage in a diverse and complex multi-religious society’. At Edward Bryant, we believe the subject gives our children valuable insights into the diverse beliefs & opinions held by people today and encourages them to value not only themselves but the pluralistic communities within which they live. 


In our school, RE is taught in accordance with the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2020-2025). We ensure progression across the Key Stages by using the Discovery RE Scheme; this Scheme is recommended by the West Sussex Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) in their Good Practice Guide and this enquiry-based model encourages the development of our children’s critical thinking skills.  

We aim to deliver the RE curriculum in an exciting and dynamic way. Teachers have access to a range of religious artefacts to support their lessons and, where possible, trips to different places of worship within the local community are encouraged. Through these opportunities, our children are provided with hands-on authentic experiences as we understand the value of experiential learning. 

Our teachers endeavour to offer pupils the opportunity to encounter the authentic voice of faith and belief.  We celebrate those pupils who want to share their own unique and personal religious experiences; this is particularly beneficial when pupils give their peers deeper, personalised insights into particular religious traditions or festivals. In these situations, our pupils become the “experts” and we believe that this not only raises their self-esteem by having their voices heard but helps others to respect religious and cultural differences too. We also welcome members of our school community, including parents and relatives, into our school to come and speak to our classes about a particular RE topic. We believe that these types of experiences greatly enhance the quality of our children’s learning in RE.  

When planning lessons, teachers at Edward Bryant also endeavour to make cross-curricular links with other subjects. For example, extended writing opportunities are often incorporated into RE lessons so that children can share their ideas, opinions and views in a structured task such as a diary entry, a letter or a story. Through opportunities of this nature, children are immersed in rich, subject specific vocabulary and also develop a greater understanding of their own emotions and feelings. Drama activities are also encouraged to reinforce teaching points and to allow children to express their thoughts about a particular topic. 

Discovery RE Parent Information

Updated January  2022


Edward Bryant School Science Curriculum Document 


Children have lots of questions about the world around us and we aim to provide them with the necessary core scientific knowledge and investigative skills to answer their questions about those processes.  

At Edward Bryant School, pupils will: 

  • Learn about a range of scientific topics under the umbrella terms of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. These are taught using a spiral curriculum which briefly revises previous learning before extending knowledge. 
  • Widen their vocabulary through being exposed to and using subject specific terminology. 
  • Develop investigative Science skills. 



  • Science is taught weekly in most year groups. 
  • Our curriculum provides learners with core scientific knowledge and investigative skills to answer their questions about scientific processes. Underpinning this is an emphasis on children actively participating in their own practical investigations and experiments, utilizing the classroom, wider school environment and the local environment and community. 
  • Our science curriculum provides a rich variety of topics that cover all the core scientific disciplines and contexts that the children can relate to their everyday lives and beyond. 
  • In Key Stage 1, Science is often closely linked to the unit of work being studied while in Key Stage 2, children are taught Science as a discrete subject, covering a specific topic each half term.  
  • Each Science topic is primarily based around one of the three core disciplines (Biology, Physics and Chemistry), with children touching on all three every year.  
  • We seek to exploit our local environment to bring the study of Science to life. 
  • We have a wide variety of science resources and equipment at School so we can demonstrate and investigate concepts clearly.
  • The children are quizzed regularly on previous and current Science topics to keep learning fresh and identify gaps in knowledge. 

To view our Science curriculum click here.

Updated July 2022


Edward Bryant School SEND curriculum statement 


At Edward Bryant Primary School, we believe that all children are entitled to receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of their needs or disabilities. We believe that it is vital that our children are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners.  

 Through our high-quality planning, teaching and provision we: 

  • Pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximised. 
  • Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning. 
  • Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils. Develop children’s independence and life skills.
  • Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centred approach. 
  • Provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND. 
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers. 
  • Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for children with SEND. 


At Edward Bryant School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child. 

 At Edward Bryant School, children with SEND will:  

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day. 
  • Be provided with quality first teaching, differentiated to their needs. 
  • Be respected and their contributions valued and acknowledged

At Edward Bryant School, pupils with SEND may: 

  • Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support 
  • Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as ELSA, Pastoral, Champion chats or Lego Therapy. 
  • Have additional support from our Welfare Officers or Learning support assistant
  • Receive additional support with their speech and language.
  • Carry out some of their learning in ‘Ocean Room’ – a classroom which follows Early Years principles for some of our children in KS1 or KS2 with complex needs. 
  • Work alongside external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Child Mental Health Liaison team, Mental Health Support Team,  Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Learning Behaviour Advisory Team or the Autism and Social Communication Team to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.

Updated: July  2022


Edward Bryant School Spanish Curriculum Statement 


At Edward Bryant School we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides our pupils with an invaluable experience in educational, social and cultural terms. Learning another language widens the children’s world, develops their communication skills and helps them to understand their own culture and the culture of others. We have chosen to teach our children Spanish as it is one of the most spoken languages across the globe, and the majority of Spanish letter sounds follow the English phonic sounds that we teach from Reception.  


  • To foster an interest in learning other languages 
  • To make children aware that language has structure and that the structure differs from one language to another, but to also recognise links between languages.
  • To develop children’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
  • To develop children’s understanding of English grammar as they learn about Spanish grammar.
  • To increase children’s English vocabulary through exploring Spanish words that often have a Latin equivalent in English.
  • To develop children’s understanding of different cultures.
  • To lay the foundations for future study, so that when children go to secondary school they will do so with a sound, basic knowledge of some linguistic structures and associated vocabulary.


Spanish will be taught in a way that is enjoyable and fun. A great deal of learning will be based around songs and games, which model correct pronunciation and also incorporate incidental but authentic phrases that the children will use. Bilingual videos are also used to support learning. A great deal of repetition via the songs and games ensures that language structures and vocabulary are firmly embedded, leading to higher retention. Links are made continuously between English and Spanish words, and cognates are explored. The collection of songs and videos used also exposes children to both South American Spanish and Castilian Spanish, where differences in accents and vocabulary are examined. English grammar terms and concepts that the children need to know will also be reinforced, e.g. singular and plural. As well as discrete lessons, teachers will promote Spanish to be spoken as part of the school day by encouraging children to use their language skills in a range of different activities, for example taking the register and warming up for P.E. 

You can view our curriculum overview for Spanish here.

Updated: July 2022



Edward Bryant School Writing Curriculum Statement 


At Edward Bryant School, we strive to help our children develop into articulate and imaginative communicators, who are well-equipped with the skills they need to become life-long learners; English learning is key in this. We aim to ensure all of our children develop a genuine love of language and the written word through a text-based approach; this links closely to the way we teach reading, as the text that we use in writing lessons, where possible, is the same text as the one that we use in whole class reading lessons. 

Careful links are made across the curriculum to ensure that children’s English learning is relevant and meaningful: where possible linking our reading, writing and the topic that we are covering in History and Geography. We ensure that children develop an understanding of how widely writing is used in everyday life and, therefore, how important and useful the skills are that they are learning. 

Our intentions in writing are for children to: 

  • Develop a love of writing, build resilience and encourage a have a go attitude
  • Use a range of spelling strategies and apply them in their independent work
  • Develop a fluent, legible handwriting style and take pride in the presentation of their work
  • Be able to evaluate their own and others’ writing in a constructive and purposeful way
  • Be able to edit their work, making improvements and produce polished pieces of writing 
  • Write for a purpose 


Our writing curriculum is shaped by our school values which aim to enable all children, regardless of background, ability or additional needs, to flourish into confident and competent writers. We teach the English National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. 

We aim to develop children’s ability to produce well-structured, detailed writing in which the meaning is made clear and which engages the interest of the audience / reader. Particular attention is paid throughout the school to the formal structures of English: grammatical detail, punctuation and spelling. Teachers clearly model writing skills and provide support and scaffolding. Guided writing sessions are used to target specific needs of both groups and individuals. Children have opportunities to write at length, in extended, independent writing sessions, applying their taught skills to an unsupported piece of writing. 

Throughout the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, we teach writing through a text-based approach, which allows us to meet the needs of the children that we are teaching – through choosing a text that will engage, inspire and motivate. 


Updated July 2022