At Edward Bryant we consider it vital that your child attends school as regularly as possible. Research has clearly shown that regular attendance has a positive impact on children’s achievement.
Being at school regularly helps your child build friendships with other children. Making sure they arrive on time is also key to their social success.
Our Attendance policy can be found here.West Sussex's information about attendance, unauthorised absences and fixed penalty notices can be found here.
Attendance questions
What are the times of the school day?
All the classroom doors open at 8:35am. Children must be in their classroom as soon possible. We ask that parents of the younger children who enter the building leave as soon as possible. External doors close at 8:45am. Anyone arriving after this time will be classed as 'late' and will need to enter the school via the front office.Our learning time finishes at 3:15pm. Children will be let out after this time.
What should I do if my child is unwell?
If your child is too ill to attend school, please contact the school on the first day of absence before 9.00am. You can do this by phoning the school office.
Coughs and common colds are not normally a reason for absence from school.
When should my child return to school?
After periods of sickness and diarrhoea, children should not return to school for 48 hours after the last bout. This helps to prevent the spread of infection.
In the case of other contagious illnesses, please contact the school office who can advise of recommended return periods based on health guidelines.
What about medical appointments?
We ask that parents make appointments for dentists, routine doctors’ visits, etc. outside of school hours. In circumstances where this is not possible, such as hospital visits, please let the school office know in advance, ideally by showing an appointment card.
How can I request time off for other absences?
Schools are only allowed to authorise other absence in exceptional circumstances. Absence for family holidays or days out will not normally be approved. A 'Request for Removing My Child from Education' form is required to be filled in for every non-illness related absence. These are available from the school office.
If the absence is not approved, but your child is not in school on the requested days, then this will be treated as an unauthorised absence.
How does the school monitor attendance?
All children's attendance is monitored. If your child's attendance level starts to affect their education then you will be called by a member of staff to see what can be done to support your child's attendance. If it still doesn't improve you will be asked to attend a meeting with the headteacher.
In some cases, the headteacher may request that any future absence is supported by evidence (such as a doctor’s appointment card for illnesses).
Does the school issue fines?
In common with other schools in the locality, Fixed Penalty Notices may be issued by West Sussex County Council to families where a child has missed at least 5 days of school in a ten-week period without authorisation.
Penalty Notices are sent to each parent named on the child's birth certificate.
It is therefore important that school is kept informed of reasons for absence.