Edward Bryant Friends
What Are the EBFs?
Here at Edward Bryant School, we know that the parents are an important part of our ever-growing family.
In recognition of this we created the Edward Bryant Friends! The EBFs are a group of fun-loving, caring and super-supportive parents who’ve decided to give us a hand with a variety of fund-raising events at school.
All parents are automatically given EBF status and all are welcome to come along to the meetings or to offer your support at our many events.
Our most recent fund-raisers include the Christmas Fair, the Mother’s Day Shop, a Cinema Evening and a Uniform Sale. Every single penny of the funds raised goes towards new items for the school, or to support events to be enjoyed by all the pupils of the school!
So if you would like to join in the fun; don’t be shy! Just come by the office and leave your name and a contact number. You’ll be an EBF in no time!