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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Edward Bryant

Welcome to Year 1



In Year 1 we have three classes: Mrs Redman and Mrs Hill teach 1HR, Mrs Gibson-Bell, Mrs Hopkins and Miss Lex teach 1GH and Miss Luker teaches 1L.

We have a wonderful team of teaching assistants too: Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Herbert, Mrs Collins and Miss Carr.

On a Wednesday morning, Mrs Lawrance, Mrs Attwell and the coaches from JC Sports teach the Year 1 children. 

Autumn Term

We have an exciting term planned for the autumn. Our topic is Ourselves. As part of this, we learn the parts of the body and our senses. One cold morning, the children might discover that a UFO has crash landed outside the classrooms. The crash site will be keenly investigated! After reading Beegu, and receiving a message from space, the children will write to the aliens to explain what it is like to be a human being. 

In the second part of the term we explore Toys and look at how they have changed over the years. We will make our Christmas decoration as part of our DT project. Towards the end of term, we invite you to our Christmas Concert.


Spring Term

Our main topic for the term is 'How to care for a pet', during which the children will be using adjectives and conjunctions to make their writing more interesting. 

Science is a major focus, with the children studying animals, plants and the seasons. The children will have the opportunity to read and write a variety of non-fiction texts. 

Preparations for the National Phonics Screening Check will step up towards the end of term. 


Summer term

Our main topic for this term is Castles, including an exciting visit to Arundel. Experiencing what life would have been like in a real castle really brings the children's learning to life!

There is also plenty of opportunity to read about and write stories involving princesses, princes, dragons and knights etc. Work in Geography and Art will focus on beaches, and the children will enjoy designing and making their own salad. Towards the end of term, we will ensure the children are ready for their move to Year 2.


The children have PE lessons twice a week. We ask that the children have their kits in school all week. Please help us by labelling every piece of clothing your child brings to school.

It is, of course, vital that you hear your child read as often as possible. We ask that the children read daily at home and collect signatures in their reading diaries to work towards receiving their reading badges.

We would also really welcome any volunteers to read with the children. Please come and see us if you would be able to help us with this!

The children will receive spellings to learn every week from the second half of the Autumn Term. 

There will be an informal spelling test every Friday.

We hope the children really enjoy Year 1. Please book an appointment via the school office to talk to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.

Curriculum Overview

Knowledge OrganisersIf you would like to find out more about Little Wandle, our phonics programme, please see the link below.

Little WandleLittle Wandle